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Usually 4 days and 3 nights. Most owners rent their holiday home for a long weekend from arrival on Friday to departure on Monday.
Of course, you can arrive later or leave earlier if you have have less free time at your disposal. Many people leave sunday evening already because they have to go back to work on Monday. However, the weekend rental price often remains the same.
In a holiday home, a midweek is often cheaper than a weekend because many more people are free on a weekend and there is therefore more demand then. It is a question of supply and demand supply.
In a hotel or bed&breakfast, nightly rates often apply and because a midweek has more days than a weekend, the price of a midweek is then higher. However, there is often a weekend surcharge because to correct.
Whether it is best to opt for a Midweek or a Long weekend depends largely on you: when are you free.
Many people start their Long Weekend on Friday and leave again on Sunday evening.
Search & book a Long Weekend along the coast of Groningen by filling in the desired period at the top of this entering the desired period and then clicking the Search button button. The system will then make an overview of all holiday homes along the coast of Groningen that are available in that period for a long weekend.
Below you will also find all Weekend-Lastminutes along the coast of Groningen.
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